will be
at High Hill Christian Camp
A weekend of focusing on spiritual practices and disciplines to result in spiritual transformation.
About the Weekend
Encounter is a 2-day (overnight) retreat that will guide you into a transforming connection with Jesus through immersive spiritual practices, Biblical teachings, and engaging worship. We will explore Biblical habits to quiet your heart and mind as you truly rest in God’s presence, experiencing His peace and love in tangible ways. We will practice Spiritual disciplines that draw us closer to the heart of God both individually and in Christian community. You will possibly be familiar with some practices, such as contemplative prayer or meditation on Scripture, while others will likely be new. We invite you to sit at the feet of Jesus, listen to His voice, and let His Spirit transform you from within. Come away renewed, refreshed, and more fully aware of God’s unwavering presence in your life.
5:00-6:00 Check-In at Camp Ministry Center
6:00-7:00 Light Dinner (CMC)
7:00-8:00 Main Session #1
8:00-8:30 Practicing Spiritual Disciplines #1
8:30-10:00 Games, Snacks, and Fellowship (CMC)
10:00 CMC Closes – Head to Rooms
7:30-8:00 Early Risers Prayer & Praise (CMC)
8:00-8:45 Breakfast (Dining Hall)
9:00-10:00 Main Session #2
10:00-10:45 Practicing Spiritual Disciplines #2
11:15-12:15 Lunch (Dining Hall)
12:30-1:30 Main Session #3
1:45-2:30 Practicing Spiritual Disciplines #3
2:45-3:30 Practicing Spiritual Disciplines #4
3:30-4:30 Wrap Up Session
4:30 Head Home

LAURA DIEBEL truly loves ministry and helping people come to know the love of God. This is exactly what she will be doing as a speaker this year at Women’s Weekend! Laura is a Bible teacher, Speaker, Disciple Maker, and Kingdom Worker. She loves the Lord and strives to live out Acts 1:8 and 1 Cor 11:1 in every aspect of her life. Her passions are seen as she leads ladies in discipleship, helps others discover a love of God’s Word, and lives out ministry with her husband and four children. Laura is the Women’s Discipleship Minister at Wentzville Christian Church and is blessed to work alongside her husband, Randy, the Connections Minister.
Laura has been spending the last year (plus some) pursuing her master’s degree in Spiritual Formation from Ozark Christian College through the Lincoln Seminary. She is eager to share with our ladies the things she has learned. We hope that this weekend will lead you to true life change as you learn about how to put spiritual disciplines into practice and experience the transforming presence of God.
KIAIRA HOWARD is joining us again to lead us to the throne in worship. She is a 32-year-old wife to Solomon Howard, Sr. who she’s been married to for 13 years. Together they have four beautiful children. She’s a stay at home wife and entrepreneur who homeschools her kids. She is also a Christian Music artist and owner of Soul Heal, a health and wellness company that focuses on Biblical restorative care. Together, Solomon and Kiaira are business partners in The Howards Music company, where they produce, record, and give music lessons. Kiaira’s heart burns with passion for God and his kingdom. As an ordained pastor, she devotes her time to God;s people through women’s outreach, Bible teaching, speaking engagements, and leading worship. She is passionate about seeing people come to Christ and walking as his disciple. Kiaira loves nature, music, reading and coffee.